Thursday, November 28, 2019

DISCUSSION Essays - Behavior, Sexual Selection, Human Behavior

DISCUSSION Firstly, it is important to note that this study revealed that overall, honesty, kindness, ambition, good health and a sense of humour were the most valued partner qualities. This finding was consistent with that of Sprecher and Toro-Morn (2003) and Doosje, Rojahn and Fischer (1999); overall, these researchers found in their studies that partners who were honest and trust worthy, and those who were warm, kind ambitious and had a good sense of humour were highly desired by both men and women. One explanation was that such qualities were more valued because they usually contribute to happy and long lasting relationships more so than status or physical characteristics (Sprecher and Toro-Morn, 2003). Rubin as cited by Sears, Peplau and Taylor (1991) explained that traits such as honesty and trustworthiness are important because feelings of affection are based on these qualities for a partner and this is a necessary component for attraction. A study conducted by Folkes and Sears (1997) discovered that participants generally held positive attitudes towards interviewers who were warm and kind in their behaviours. One explanation can be derived from the fact that these traits can lead to positive affect, and positive affect can be classically associated with and result in attraction. Locally, Waithe (1995) alluded to the importance of humour in personal relationships. Waithe prescribed: Persons should feel comfortable in a relationship, and the couple should endeavour to make each other comfortable...couples can find that humour can be useful in providing some tension relief...(p.80) According to Waithe, sense of humour is definitely important in any relationship since 'laughing is the best medicine'. On the topic of ambition, it must be noted here that the sample was made up of persons with higher academic pursuits and the high value for ambitious partners may be directly linked to the fact that these individuals may posses the need for partners with similar intellectual or professional pursuits or passions. In relation to the balance theory, persons seek others with similar characteristics because it produces balance; this balance is emotionally pleasant and arouses positive affect and ultimately, attraction occurs (Newcomb as cited in Baron & Bryne, 2003). Regarding gender differences, women, more than men, valued partners who were kind, honest, ambitious, had a desire for children and high social status. Kindness and honesty, for women, are qualities that are greatly desired in any relationship. Dann (1987) highlighted the need for such qualities by Barbadian women: Just as men were looking for someone dependable with "no tricks", so too did they recognize that honesty was required in themselves. In other words, there appeared to be a male awareness of women's reluctant to enter a relationship with a man who was considered unsteady or unreliable, again possibly exploding the popular stereotype of male irresponsibility, at least at the level of attitude if not actual behaviour.(p.73) Women's high value on ambition and high social status was a consistent finding in past mate selection studies (for eg. Buss, 1989; Hatfield Hill, 1945). Regarding social role theory, Archer (1996) commented that women and men are socialized to behave in socially desirable and acceptable ways; they are socially expected to prefer attributes that are congruent with stereotypic expectations about gender roles. Women's expectations of a man to be the head of the house hold and to be the main bread winner has reinforced the value that they place on characteristics in potential mates such as ambition and high social status. In the Caribbean, Freilich (1968) discovered that women in an Eastern Trinidadian community placed stronger emphasis on status and material wealth than the men. It is a common cultural expectation in the Caribbean for women to rely on men to support them economically. Furthermore, most men enter relationships with this expectation as well. Along with ambition and high social status, women's strong preference for partners who desire children was also consistent with that of Sprecher and Toro-Morn (2003), in their American sample. This preference can be linked directly to the view that women are usually positive when it comes to having children, along with the fact that, unlike men, they have limited time attached to their 'reproductive clock'. Culturally speaking, one writer (Clarke, 1957) underscored the importance that Caribbean women attach to childbearing and motherhood: Not only is sexual activity regarding as natural, it is unnatural not to have a child and no woman who has not proved that she can bear one is likely to find a man to be responsible for her since ' no

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Carter Woodson

Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Dr. Carter G. Woodson was a distinguished Black author, editor, publisher, and historian. He is known as the â€Å"father of Black history.† He believed that blacks should know their past in order to participate intelligently in the future affairs of our country. He believed that black history is a firm foundation for young black Americans to build on in order to become productive citizens of our country. He received his Bachelor’s of literature degree from Bethea College, Kentucky. His M.A. from the University of Chicago, and in 1912, he then went on to received his PH.D from Harvard University. In 1915, he and several of his friends in Chicago established the association for the study of Negro life and History. The following year, the Journal of Negro history appeared, which is one of the oldest learned journals in the United States. In 1926, he developed Negro history week, which today is known as Black history month. Woodson authored numerous scholarly books and magazine articles on the positive contributions of Blacks to the development of America. Some of these works include â€Å" The Mis-Education of the Negro man†, â€Å" The Negro as a businessman† and â€Å"The story of a Negro Retold†. His message to people was that Blacks should be proud of their heritage and that other Americans should also understand it. Dr. Woodson often said that he hoped the time would come when Negro History week would be unnecessary; when all Americans would willingly recognize the contributions of Black Americans as a legitimate and integral part of the history of this country.An African American historian and educator, Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) wrote, â€Å"The Mis-Education of the Negro†. He was educated at the University of Paris (the most prestigious college in the world today) which alone gives him great credibility the vast majority of people. He was the founder of the Association for the Study of... Free Essays on Carter Woodson Free Essays on Carter Woodson Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Dr. Carter G. Woodson was a distinguished Black author, editor, publisher, and historian. He is known as the â€Å"father of Black history.† He believed that blacks should know their past in order to participate intelligently in the future affairs of our country. He believed that black history is a firm foundation for young black Americans to build on in order to become productive citizens of our country. He received his Bachelor’s of literature degree from Bethea College, Kentucky. His M.A. from the University of Chicago, and in 1912, he then went on to received his PH.D from Harvard University. In 1915, he and several of his friends in Chicago established the association for the study of Negro life and History. The following year, the Journal of Negro history appeared, which is one of the oldest learned journals in the United States. In 1926, he developed Negro history week, which today is known as Black history month. Woodson authored numerous scholarly books and magazine articles on the positive contributions of Blacks to the development of America. Some of these works include â€Å" The Mis-Education of the Negro man†, â€Å" The Negro as a businessman† and â€Å"The story of a Negro Retold†. His message to people was that Blacks should be proud of their heritage and that other Americans should also understand it. Dr. Woodson often said that he hoped the time would come when Negro History week would be unnecessary; when all Americans would willingly recognize the contributions of Black Americans as a legitimate and integral part of the history of this country.An African American historian and educator, Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) wrote, â€Å"The Mis-Education of the Negro†. He was educated at the University of Paris (the most prestigious college in the world today) which alone gives him great credibility the vast majority of people. He was the founder of the Association for the Study of...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

NVR Firm Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NVR Firm Analysis - Essay Example Its scope of activities though is wide ranging. It not only deals with home construction and marketing of homes, but also other related things such as financing programs, settlement, and title services care of its NVR Mortgage Finance subsidiary. It therefore seeks to cater to every need of the homebuyer. The types of homes NVR builds include single-family detached homes, town homes and condominium buildings. It offers a variety of home designs. It sells about 15,000 homes annually. The sizes of the homes range from 900 sq. ft. to 7,300 sq. ft. The prices range from $60,000 to $2.5 million with an average of $373,000. NVR went through a difficult period in the 1990s when it had to file for bankruptcy. But since then the company has restructured itself and in the 2000s is once again a leading company. In 2004 the company reported solid gains including revenues of $4.3 billion, which was a 17% increase over the previous year. Its big competitive advantage is its branching out into providing financial services because this has really helped the company increase its revenues. In 2005 it was the 10th largest homebuilder firm in the United States. ( NVR now has a 1.32% share of the market compared to Pulte Homes’s 3.61%. ( â€Å"We believe that we operate our business with a conservative operating strategy. We do not engage in land development and primarily construct homes on a pre-sold basis. This strategy allows us to maximize inventory turnover, which we believe enables us to minimize market risk and to operate with less capital, thereby enhancing rates of return on equity and total capital. In addition, we focus on obtaining and maintaining a leading market position in each market we serve. This strategy allows us to gain valuable efficiencies and competitive advantages in our markets which management believes contributes to minimizing the adverse effects of regional economic cycles and provides growth opportunities within

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Construction of identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Construction of identity - Essay Example In the period from 1950 to 1990, the unidimensionl identity of modern women ws replced by bidimensionl identity (Nicholson, 1997:380), phenomenon observed lso in other countries (Woodwrd, 1997:240). In generl, women's lbor force prticiption incresed drmticlly during the twentieth century, nd in recent yers, the continuity of women's creers hs lso risen. Mny women becoming mothers now hve greter occsion to develop nd vest themselves in nonfmilil identities thn did women in the pst. But mny of the culturl chnges tht hve ccompnied economic nd demogrphic chnges mke the question of how to live s n dult problemtic in new wys for such women. Prentl roles re no longer tken to define the mening of womn's dult life or of couple's reltionship. Current culturl rhetorics of individulism men tht, mong the middle clss, it is no longer pproprite for dults to scrifice themselves for their spouses or their children; insted the individul is offered culturl imges of self-reliztion nd of "finding one's self" s guides to identity nd the mening of life. Such chnges in the menings of womnhood nd motherhood, however, re contested. Kaplan (1984:112) points out tht conflict over the socil representtion of motherhood s optionl rther thn centrl in women's lives lies t the hert of the politicl debtes on bortion in the United Sttes. Tody Tody's motherhood is more complex nd diverse in mening. Kpln (1992) speks in this regrd of "postmodern" motherhood. The Mdonn imge--representing the scrificing mother-hs been supplemented with the Creer women imge (Kpln, 1992:115). ccording to Crmer (1997), young mothers re well wre of the conflict between trditionl nd modern models of mother hood. In the view of Hys (1996), mothers tody fce two socilly constructed imges, tht is, tht of the "trditionl" mother-who stys t home nd dedictes ll her energy to the fmily--nd tht of the successful "supermom": The ll-round mother who hs "briefcse" qulities. She not only mnges the household nd rises the children, but lso hs her own creer. With respect to the described chnges within society, it is of interest to investigte how tody's dolescent girls nd young women conceptulize motherhood. The trditionl imge is extended with modern imge of motherhood.The representtion of motherhood s primrily biologicl reltionship conceled the gendered politics of socil nd "nturl" reltions. In Western cultures, women's "embodied humnity," most clerly symboliclly expressed by their biologicl cpcity to mother, hs been used to exclude them from "true humnity"-to relegte them to sphere perceived to be outside history, society, nd reson: tht is, "to nture" (Woodwrd, 1997:242). Nture nd womn were both culturlly ssocited nd empiriclly devlued.Feminist nlyses, however, drw even deeper implictions from these culturl ssocitions nd dulisms. Ecofeminism, for exmple, exposes the wys in which gendered constructions of "humn" (msculine) nd "nonhumn" nture hve been embedded in the emergence of modern sciences nd the ssocited politicl-economic reltions of industriliztion nd coloniztion.Ptrirchl conceptions of womn nd nture, they rgue, re t the hert of destructive ecologicl prctices s well s of the oppressive gender, clss, nd rce reltions on which they re built (Kpln, 1992:115). Not surprisingly, mny contemporry feminists re rethinking motherhood. For the nlysis of motherhood, s Hys (1996) points out, hs the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Liberalization of International Currency Mobility Essay

Liberalization of International Currency Mobility - Essay Example These factors include; the removal of credit limitations, privatization of majority of banks previously owned by governments and lower interest rates for borrowers (Quiggin, 2005). The banking sector has also experienced reduced or total withdrawal of entry barriers, liberalization of the security market and capital account. This free-flow of currency across borders has been facilitated by worldwide free-trade, occasioned by globalization. The privatization of capital flows has also seen a surge of capital movement within and across borders. Private organizations have been in a rush to provide financial assistance to people in need of money for business, investment, or otherwise. When the liberalization of capital movement was starting off, it seemed like a most lucrative idea that would see the soaring of economies in different countries. However, over the years, different financial crises have made a lot of people have a different opinion regarding free capital mobility. This essay is going to discuss the positives and negatives of capital flows in the international arena in regard to economic augmentation. In the field of free capital flow, it is hard to distinguish a certain factor as being advantageous and another as a limitation. All aspects have a positive and a negative side. Accordingly, the essay will focus at a factor at a time and weigh its benefits against its cons. Since the 1980’s neo-liberalists have been very strong proponents of liberalized currency mobility in the international field. Proponents of the neoliberal theory are of the opinion that only free markets can help achieve international economic growth. According to Grabel &Chang (2004) neoliberal theorists place prime importance on the function of markets in enhancing easy movement of currency and goods. Advocates of the neoliberal theory also hold that privatization of state-owned organizations is of prime importance to free capital mobility. Neoliberal ideas have proved to be v iable to some extent, based on the results of the past twenty years. Globalization in the 1970s brought about transformations in the international financial system in terms of increased capital mobility and international trade. The advent of globalization made most countries to relax limitations to free flow of capital in the international field. Globalization means the opening up of borders to both goods and capital flows for the purpose of foreign investment. Private Banks Among the achievements of neoliberal ideas is the promotion of the private sector in both developing and developed countries. Private capital flows has over the years come to overtake public mobility of capital. Public movement of currency consists of governments exchanging capital, either through direct lending or through multilateral corporations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (Grabel & Chang, 2004). Rise in loaning institutions, foreign investment and portfolio capital mobility h ave all led to the promotion of private currency mobility. National banks cannot accommodate the high demands of local and overseas investors. Accordingly, many foreign classified banks have sprung up in order to facilitate borrowing and loaning of capital, especially to domestic investors (Frank, 1990). Considering that most governments do not have adequate lending power, these alien private banks source for finances in international lenders.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Herbal Products Market Research

Herbal Products Market Research Abstract: Herbal products have gained a lot of attention in the recent years. This has pushed natural and nutraceuticals companies globally to take interest in these products. Herbal extracts are no longer a concoction of plants but are sophisticated standardized extracts. This has led countries all over the world to set regulatory guidelines and policies in order to maintain good quality, standardized herbal medicines. Konark Herbals Health Care, an India based company, manufactures solid and liquid herbal extracts in semi finished form. The company recently has decided to launch its products globally. This project focuses on opportunities of herbal products in the European Market i.e. the European Union. Europe being the central hub of herbal medicines is integrated with a number of regulatory guidelines set by the EU. The project aims at understanding these regulatory policies, gauging the market scenario and presenting ideas for launching the companys products by creating its place in the market. The main objective of this project was to gain an understanding of the herbal products already in the market and finding newer opportunity for its use Introduction About the Company Konark Herbals and Healthcare is a medium sized company established in 2004. The company is into manufacturing and selling of semi finished herbal products. These products include soft and dry herbal extracts, in both solid and liquid form. The company is also associated with the Konark Research foundation which carries out all the quality assurance and testing to ensure quality and standardised products. Konark manufactures over 300 herbals extracts, though its flagship product is curcumin and its derivatives. Up until 2010 the companys main focus was the domestic market. The products were marketed and sold either for domestic use or to other Indian companies for export purposes. The main problem faced by Konark was the competitive prices. The company also found that since the regulations in India were not very strict most competitive suppliers would sell sub standard quality products at a cheaper rate. A thorough study was done to understand the pros and cons of focusing on the domestic market. Therefore Konark Herbals and Health Care decided to launch its products globally. Therefore, this report focuses on opportunities of herbal products in the European market. Traditional Medicine has always had its popularity worldwide. In addition over the last few years there has been increase in the use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) in many developed and developing countries. The last 15 years have seen an increase in the popularity of plant based medicines in the western world. Therefore the safety and quality of the CAMs have become very important concerns for the health authorities as well as the public. Several traditional medicine practices have been developed over the centuries in different cultures but without a parallel advance of international standards and using inappropriate methods for evaluating traditional medicine. Therefore strict guidelines and policies for herbal medicines are critical to the continued existence of quality products. Even though India and China are known for their herbal medicines since centuries, the hub of herbal products is Europe. More than 60% of the Europeans and greater than 80% of Germans (Figure 1) have used herbal products at some point of time in their life. Herbal remedies which we earlier sold in small special shops, often without any license, have now become mainstream drugs manufactured by multinational companies and sold in pharmacies throughout Europe. It is due to this high usage of products that the European Union has an extensive set of guidelines for herbal products. The EU has laid down guidelines and policies for all the processes related to these herbal products from manufacturing right up to market authorization and which it expects all to adhere to. European Union Overall Market Size The member states of the European Union represent the largest single commercial market for herbal drugs and medicinal plants in the world. The European market for herbal supplements along with herbal medicines is currently at $7.4billion. An analysis based on the data from IMS health placed the global European over the counter (OTC) market for herbal medicines at approximately $5billion. Imports The EU is also the largest importer of Crude medicinal plants and herbal extracts with imports approximated at around 100,000 tonne. This is almost double the quantity imported by the USA (IMS report). Germany is the most important European importer with 40% of the European market followed by France and Italy. European Guidelines Europe consists of 50 countries. And each country has its own regulatory guidelines and policies. It is important to know that out of the 50 countries only 27 countries fall under the European Union. Legislation in the European Union is set at the EU level, but there may be (additional) legal requirements which may be country specific. Although maximum synchronization is aimed it is not always achieved because of negotiations, debates and national interest. The European Medical agency along with the THMPD (Therapeutic herbal Medical product directive) are the two many regulatory bodies within the European Union. Each of the two bodies has a set of guidelines which has to be followed by not only the companies within Europe but also the companies that want to enter the European market for business opportunities. It includes policies from cultivation right up to marketing of the product in Europe. Understanding these guidelines is necessary for Indian companies such as Konark Herbals H ealth Care because in order to enter the European markets, they need to abide by them. The committee on Herbal Medicinal products (HMPC) HMPC, a part of the European Medical Agency, is responsible for preparing the agencys opinions on herbal medicines. In 2004 it replaced the proprietary medicinal products working party on herbal products which introduced a simplified registration procedure for herbal drugs in EU member states. The committee has the responsibility to prepare monographs of well established herbal medicines which is based on evaluation of available scientific data or on its traditional use in the European community. The monograph includes uses, safety information and information on undesirable effects. Traditional Herbal Medicinal Product Directive (formerly The Directive 2004/24/EC) The THMPD was established in 2004 to provide a simplified regulatory approval process for traditional herbal medicines in the EU. Under this regulation all herbal medicinal products are required to obtain an authorization to market within the EU. As per the THMPD all products marketed before this legislation came into force can market their product till 30 April, 2011. Once this limit expires they must gain market authorization. These guidelines are of great importance especially during the audits done by the European companies. As a mandatory procedure, all European companies conduct a thorough audit of the manufacturing facilities of the suppliers to check them for GMP compliance. The audit even checks for Good Agricultural practices (GAP) complied by the farmers supplying the crude plants to the supplier. GAP includes various documents and certificates that the supplier must have from the farmers. In case any of the guidelines are not met with, the supplier is not only rejected but is blacklisted by the company for future purposes until such time that the supplier has proven to be GMP and GAP compliant. Therefore the suppliers cannot afford to make any mistakes Examples of EU legislations relevant for herbal products: Directive 2001/83/EC on marketing authorization for medicinal products for human use, including homeopathic products and herbal medicines. Directive 2003/94/EC on the principles and guidelines of GMP for medicinal products for human use Phytosanitary measures. Directive 2000/29/EC Regulation 338/97 on the protection of endangered species in trade, CITES Preventive measures on organisms harmful to plants Directive 2000/29/EC Country Profiles Out of the 27 countries belonging to the European Union few countries such as Germany, UK and France are the major markets for herbal products. As mentioned earlier EU legislations are set at the EU level, but there may be country specific (additional) legal requirements. Understanding the guidelines for each of the countries is crucial because it is through these countries that Indian companies will make their entrance into the European Herbal Markets. Germany: Germany by far is the most important consumer of plant based medicines in Europe which accounts for more than 50 % of all European licensed herbal product sales. It is also the largest producers of herbal phytomedicines. Cultivation in Germany has declined massively over the years, which has lead companies to import herbal extracts from other countries such as India and China. This proves advantageous for Indian companies. It is also important to notice that even though Germany does have domestic cultivation, only 5% 10 % of the total requirement is covered by the domestic production. Germany is by far the largest importer of medicinal plants and extracts with imports of around 50,000 tonnes on a yearly basis. The basis of market authorization in Germany has been laid out in the Second Medicines Act which was formed in accordance with the EU legislative framework. It required a review of the safety and quality of 300 plants. This was done by a team of experts known as the Commission E who published more than 235 medicinal plants. Germany is one of the very few countries that consider herbal products as medicines thereby providing complete reimbursement of such products. The herbal drugs are reimbursable by the health insurance system unless special criteria for their exclusions apply. These exclusions are due to negative assessment by commission E. There are 380 monographs presented in the American Botanical CouncilsÂÂ  The Complete German Commission E Monographs, Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines, which has recently been translated into English The monographs include lists of approved and unapproved herbs, uses, indications, side effects, interactions of herbs with conventional drugs and duration of administration German Regulations: A national pharmacopoeia, the Deutsches Arneibuch and the European Pharmacopoeia are used, both of which are considered to be legally binding. A number of additional monographs have also being issued such as the Deutcher Arzneimittel Codex but are not legally binding. Regulatory Requirement for the manufacture of herbal medicines include adherence to the information in the pharmacopoeias. In the absence of pharmacopoeias, monographs, the GMP rules for conventional pharmaceutical, German Medicines Act and the Eudralex. Compliance with these requirements is ensured through inspection. Herbal medicines are sold in Germany in pharmacies as OTC and prescription medicines in special outlets and supermarkets. Advantages for an Indian Company to supply to German companies: Not more than 10% of the total requirement is covered by domestic market Only a handful of herbal plants are cultivated in Germany as compared to India. As per the adapted from BAH (Figure 2) more than a 100 Indian medicinal plants can cater to these therapeutic categories. Many Indian plants such as curcumin, Amla, Ashwagandha or on the positive list of commission E. Several curcumin products are reimbursed by the health insurance system. France: France is both a major producer and consumer of medicinal plants. It is the second largest market in Europe after Germany. It has more than 4000 hectares under cultivation of which over 30% is dedicated to plants such as thyme fennel chamomile and peppermint. Southern France is a major market for essential oils and aromatherapy. France imports around 30,000 tonnes of medicinal plants and extracts from countries such as India and China. France is also an exporter of medicinal plants which is about 8000 tonnes on a yearly basis. Most exports are simply intra European consignments often within same company. French regulations make it difficult to sell unlicensed herbal remedies. Around 527 medicinal plants are listed in the French Pharmacopoeia of which 454 plants are contained in list A (positive benefit /risk ratio). These include plants such as acacia. Curcumin, Aloe Vera etc. Plants such as tobacco and Thuja fall under list B that has a negative benefit/risk ratio. Despite all this, herbal medicines are classified as medicines in France and are subject to market authorization under the Health ministry. Guidelines: The French Republic does not have any national policy, laws, expert committee or national research institute on traditional medicines. Herbal medicines are regulated as OTC medicines and by law claims may be made about them. The same GMP rules for manufacture are applicable for herbal medicines as for the conventional medicines. Compliance with the requirements is ensured through inspections. Safety requirements are the same as that for conventional drugs. Out of 787 medicines registered none, are listed on national essential drug list. Advantages for Indian companies to target France: France is the Hub for essential oils and aromatherapy products. Therefore many Indian companies can supply oils such as cinnamon oil, turmeric oil etc. Out of the plants listed in List A of the French Pharmacopoeia more than 250 plants are available in abundance in India. Although the government is coming up with newer policies, cultivation in France is only for a minor group of medicinal plants. Therefore French companies have to look at supplier of plants and extracts. United Kingdom United Kingdom (U.K.) has until recently been well below that of many European counties. U.K. based MNCs have given limited importance to research in herbal drugs. British farmers too have not given much importance to medicinal plants. Less than 2000 hectares are devoted to medicinal plants. But consumption of herbal medicines has been growing at the rate of 10% (WHO report, 2008) Although U.K. has no single national office, the medicines and Healthcare product regulatory agency and the department of health in England have numerous teams to develop policy on the safe use and practice of traditional medicines. Herbal medicines are regulated under Medicines Act 1968 (2001/83, EC also applies). Until 2011 the directive provided two regulatory routes for herbal medicines to reach the market i.e licensed herbal medicines and unlicensed herbal medicines. Since May 2011 unlicensed herbal medicines have been ban in the market. The British Pharmacopoeia contains 124 national monographs. There are around 500 licensed herbal drugs in the U.K. but none are included in the national essential list. Herbal drugs are sold in pharmacies as OTC and prescription medicines. Overview of the top diseases affecting European human population Chronic diseases are the main cause of mortality in Europe. Research (by EDEC) suggests that complex conditions such as diabetes, depression and dementia will impose a prominent burden in the future. Some years ago chronic diseases were considered to be a problem of only the rich and elderly people. But today we know that which high income countries, poor as well as young people are affected by these chronic diseases. The implications of the diseases are also very serious. There are a number of chronic diseases that affect people all over Europe. The most prevalent ones are: Depression Obesity Diabetes Mellitus Alzheimers disease Parkinsons disease Dementia Schizophrenia COPD The link between disease and age is crucial from an economic public policy standpoint. The proportion of Europeans aged 65 years and older is projected to grow from 15% to 23% by 2030. This trend is clearly one of the many reasons for the growing burden of chronic diseases in Europe. (Pomerleau, Knai and Nolte, 2008). The prevalence of mental disorders is very high in Europe. Dementia amongst those who are aged i.e. 65 and above, in 2000 was estimated to vary between 6% to about 8 %. WHO has estimated that one in five persons will develop depression and each year 33 million European suffer from major depression. In 2008, the rates were lowest in Spain, Greece and Portugal while the highest estimates were for Finland, Israel, Belgium and France. Suicide from depressive disorders is the third leading cause of death among young Europeans. Top diseases affecting livestock in Europe Novel strategies and responses are necessary to meet the economic and human health risks that are associated with livestock diseases. Human-health threats from livestock come in two basic forms: (i) zoonotic diseases, and (ii) food-borne illnesses. Zoonotic diseases are those diseases that arise in animals but can also be transmitted to humans. Potentially pandemic viruses, such as influenza, are the most newsworthy, but many others, including rabies, brucellosis and anthrax also do exist. Food-borne illness can come from disease agents such as salmonella and E. coli. Highly pathogenic livestock diseases remain alarming for the people of Europe because: They are still highly pathogenic for humans. They are continuing to evolve. There is a risk of generic recombination with the viruses that are better adapted to, and can be easily transmitted among humans. The diseases affecting livestock in Europe include: Livestock Disease Avian influenza Bovine Tuberculosis Rabies Bovine Brucellosis Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) Ovine and Caprine brucellosis (B. Melitensis) Salmonellosis (zoonotic salmonella) Livestock Disease Avian influenza Ovine and Caprine brucellosis (B. Melitensis) Salmonellosis (zoonotic salmonella) African Swine Fever Bluetongue (High risk endemic areas) Methodology The main product to be launched by the company being Curcumin and its various derivates, a secondary research was conducted to gain an understanding about the product. Such a research gave an idea about its current use globally. Various companies across the globe are already manufacturing curcumin products and supplements therefore the product per se is not a novel product. But by understanding its current use it is possible to point out the areas that have never been explored. Companies such as Indena, Sabinsa, and Sigma Eldrich have been selling curcumin supplements over a decade. But it is astonishing to see that even today the full potential of curcumin and its derivatives has not been realized. This gives a possibility for companies to use such products for newer diseases. Reviewing diseases affecting Europe serves great importance since it explains the need for drugs in those sectors and consequentially the unmet medical need. About Curcumin Curcumin is a hydrophobic polyphenol derived from a the rhizome Curcuma longa (Turmeric). It is a gold-coloured spice frequently used in India, not just for health care but also for the preservation of food and as a dye for textiles. Since the time of Ayurveda (1900BC) numerous therapeutic actions have been assigned to curcumin for a selection of diseases, including skin diseases, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems, wounds, sprains, allergies and liver disorders. It is in the last few decades that curcumin has gained a lot of attention by researchers, scientists and nutraceuticals companies worldwide. It is due to this, that there have been more than a hundred experiments been conducted in animals and plants for various diseases. Konark Herbals and Health Care has a vast portfolio of curcumin extracts of various standards. The company manufactures the extract from 1% curcuminoid content up to 99% curcuminoids. KHHC products Curcuma longa powder extract (Total curcuminoids NLT 95% by HPLC/UV spectrophotometer) Curcuma longa powder extract (Total curcuminoids NLT 40% by HPLC/UV spectrophotometer) Curcuma longa powder extract (Total curcuminoids NLT 10% by HPLC/UV spectrophotometer) Curcuma longa Granular (Total curcuminoids NLT 95% by HPLC/UV spectrophotometer) Curcuma longa Granular (Total curcuminoids NLT 85% by HPLC/UV spectrophotometer) Uses There have been various trials conducted for a wide variety of diseases most of which have been successful but have not received their due. Below is a short summary of the various uses of curcumin Neurological Disorders: Curcumin being a potent anti inflammatory agent has found its use in a number of diseases. Various trials have been conducted for its use against several neurological disorders. Current treatments for the majority of these diseases have not succeeded adequate until now. Both of oxidative damage and inflammation have been proved as having roles in age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Because of its pluripotency, oral safety, prolonged history of use, and low cost, curcumin has huge potential for the prevention of numerous neurological conditions for which present therapeutics are less than optimal. Parkinsons disease Alzheimers disease Schizophrenia Depression Oncology: It has been proved that curcumin is an anti oxidant. This property of the molecule has allowed it use for several diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. The anti oxidant property has potentiated its use even in the field of oncology which today is by far the most researched therapeutic category. Studies done on animals and humans have proved promising in more than just one type of cancer. There have been a number of articles published in journals all over the world regarding its potential use against prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer breast cancer and even blood cancer. Antibacterial Activity: Yet another property of curcumin is its proven use in the antibacterial and antifungal category. Curcumin was known to have antibacterial property since centuries but only recent experiments and research have proved its antibacterial activity. This has not only interested physicians but also veterinarians in potentially using curcumin as a topical drug. Patents The according to the Intellectual property rights, the use of curcumin cannot be patented since it is protected by traditional Knowledge of the country. But there have been several patents granted for novel drug delivery system of curcumin. The reason for modifying the molecule developing new delivery systems is because curcumin is a hydrophobic molecule and hence it has a low bioavailability. In order to over this problem researchers have formulated various novel systems to enhance its bioavailability. Understanding the current patents held for curcumin is needed because it shows how advance the industry is. A list of a few patents has been given below Water soluble curcumin based compounds , US patent application Curcumin Dextrin combinations, US patent application Buccal Drug Delivery System for Curcumin, US patent application Vaginal drug Delivery of curcumin, US patent application Spray freeze dry for pulmonary administration, US patent application Potential launch of curcumin products for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Diabetes is a chronic disease that arises when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This leads to raised glucose levels in the blood and can cause long-term damage to the body and failure of various organs and tissues. Currently about 55 million Europeans are affected by diabetes Mellitus type 2. Studies conducted at research institutes have proven the effect of curcumin against diabetes. A comprehensive study was done on the diseases and the use of curcumin against various symptoms of the disease. A matrix approach was taken up. (As suggested by Dr Arun Bhatt, Clininvent) With the help of secondary research it was observed that curcumin can treat almost all symptoms relating to diabetes. Various poly herbal formulations are also in the development stage at Konark herbals and health care which have the potential to treat diabetic conditions. Through the research it was observed that several herbs in combination with curcumin could be used against the diabetic symptoms. Curcumin also has shown positive results for reducing cholesterol and LDL levels in the body i.e. preventing obesity. This can give curcumin an opportunity to act as a drug for pre diabetic syndrome. This can have a much better market since it has been observed that the trend amongst more people globally is cha nging from illness to wellness. Effect Potential Cure Eyes and vision Retinopathy caused due to oxidative stress and inflammation Cataract- does not prevent but delays its occurrence. Curcumin Feet and skin Foot ulcers. Polyherbal formulation (on going RD at Konark ) Joint pain osteoarthritis Osteoporosis- Curcumin , curcumin + Ashwagandha Oral Gum diseases Curcumin , curcumin + neem Curcumin in the form of THC Dry mouth Anti bacterial effect of curcumin Gingivitis Antibacterial effect s of curcumin Complications Alzheimers disease Curcumin, Melissa officinalis, ashwagandha, tinoprora cordifolia Cancer Prostate cancer Breast Cancer Colon Cancer Curcumin Cholesterol Metabolic syndrome Curcumin UTI Curcumin +boswelia antibacterial activity Further work remaining in the project: Potential launch of product for various diseases Speaking with the experts SWOT analysis Marketing strategies 4Ps Barriers to entry and overcoming challenges References:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Math Coursework - The Fencing Problem :: Math Coursework Mathematics

The Fencing Problem Aim - to investigate which geometrical enclosed shape would give the largest area when given a set perimeter. In the following shapes I will use a perimeter of 1000m. I will start with the simplest polygon, a triangle. Since in a triangle there are 3 variables i.e. three sides which can be different. There is no way in linking all three together, by this I mean if one side is 200m then the other sides can be a range of things. I am going to fix a base and then draw numerous triangles off this base. I can tell that all the triangles will have the same perimeter because using a setsquare and two points can draw the same shape. If the setsquare had to touch these two points and a point was drawn at the 90 angle then a circle would be its locus. Since the size of the set square never changes the perimeter must remain the same. [IMAGE] The area of a triangle depends on two things: the height and the base. The base is fixed in this example so the triangle that has the biggest height, i.e. the middle triangle, will have the biggest area. The middle triangle turns out to be an icosoles triangle. I am going to focus only on icosoles triangles. I have constructed a formula linking all three sides in and icosoles triangle. [IMAGE] X X X=any number which is greater than 250 and less than 500 ======================================================== 1000 - 2X Using Pythagoras theorem I can find and equation linking a side to the area. ====================================================================== ÂÂ ½(1000 - 2X)ÂÂ ² + HÂÂ ² = XÂÂ ² HÂÂ ² = XÂÂ ² + (X -500)ÂÂ ² H = height X 500 - X XÂÂ ² - (500-X)ÂÂ ² H Area 251 249 1000 31.6 7874.1 300 200 50000 223.61 44721.0 333.33

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Narrative Report Essay

The idea of having On the Job Training had given me an excitement; excitement to experience work inside the office, meet new people, feel a different environment and be independent. It also help us to become a young professional. I learned more about what On-the-Job Training means and to be patient is more important when you have relationship regarding work with other people especially when you do not know them well. I met new friends inside the CGS Department. I was challenge to do good on every task they will give me. I experience facing different people. Having time management, being responsible on the task given and having good relationship with other people are important. On my On the Job Training I observe that everyone should be alert and attentive at the same time and they can’t afford to commit a mistake because it will affect everything that every cluster was working on for example their auditing, computing and the details even the names. Despite of their busy work, they never fail to put smile on their face. As an trainee we are required to participate in making surprises for those employees who promote in higher position and employees having a birthday celebration. The environment I had on my On the Job Training had an impact to me. I built good relationship with my co-workers and co-trainees. The good environment helped me to have positive vibes as I do my works. Corporate Government Sector (Cluster 5)- This is the office where I was assigned to conduct my On-the-Job Training. On my first day of training, I was very excited and somewhat nervous because of the new environment and the new people surrounding me. I didn’t have any idea of what kind of people they are and it made me adjust myself with their personalities and attitudes. One of my trainee supervisor Ms. Fe Lynette Bautista accompanied me to my table where I will be staying during my On-the-Job Traing. During that moment, I felt that I was really an office girl already having my own office chair and table. The first task that my training supervisor asked me to do is to answer telephone calls and telefax. My other trainee supervisor Mr. Felix Morgado taught me to operate telephones, telefax, printers and Xerox machine. After that the head of the cluster 5 Director Dehlia Agatep taught me what to say when theres a phone call, â€Å"Good morning/Good afternoon, Cluster5, How may I help you†. She also taught me how to transfer the call to her office if theres someone who wants to talk to her. My second day, Ms. Editha Palita our Administrative officer asked me to arrange the payslip of the employees, their Rice allowance payslip, Performance based bonus payslip, Basic commodities assistance payslip and July 2014 payslip. At the same time, my ears had to be attentive so that I can hear if theres a phone calls. Some may laugh at my first week which is answering phone calls, making and receiving telefax, photocopy files and arranging slips, but they do not know that I’ve learned many things that which I may used in my future work. My first week was really good start and I was motivated to perform excellently because of what I have already accomplished and because of my trainee supervisors who were very accommodating and kind to me. On my second week of my On-the-Job Training, there are many things that I have accomplished. I was tasked to encode the Department names under the CGS-cluster5. I also printed, it will be the front page of every department’s document so that whenever they need it, they could find it easy. I was also asked to write the important details of the file copies of the official documents to the releasing logbook and after writing the important details, I have to give the file copy of the official documents to the finance office, accounting office and ascom’s office and make them sign on the releasing logbook so that there’s a proof that they already receive it. Just like my first week, my daily tasked was to answer phone calls, make and receive telefax, print documents and arrange some files and documents. Everytime Mr. Felix Morgado calls me for help, I can feel my heart beat like a drum because I always thought he’ll give me hard task. He is slightly strict but an encouraging one. He always tells me to study hard for my family, especially for my parents who are supporting me in every possible way. This second week was really heavy week but despite of it, I really learned a  lot not just academically but socially as well as because I learned to adjust myself to the people I am with and I learn to socialized with them in a good manner.

Friday, November 8, 2019

how chlorophyll makes glucose essays

how chlorophyll makes glucose essays Chlorophyll is the green pigment inside of plants that give them their characteristic green color. Chlorophyll absorbs violet -blue and orange- red light from the sun needed for photosynthesis. Composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen it is a necessary compound used in the complex process that allows for much of the human life on earth to take place. Photosynthesis is the procedure by which green plants use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar known as glucose. In the process it creates breathable oxygen and depletes poisonous carbon dioxide. Without chlorophyll there would not be enough oxygen to sustain life on earth, nor would the be much of the sweetness that you taste in todays food. All this is thanks to chlorophyll and the product it creates called glucose which is made through photosynthesis. The main place in which plant photosynthesis occurs is in green leaves and stems within specialized cell structures called chloroplasts in plants. Chloroplasts occur in most cells of a green plant that are exposed to light. One leaf which contains tens of thousands of cells can contain hundreds of thousands of chloroplast. Photosynthesis relies on flows of energy and electrons initiated by light energy. Photosynthesis begins when light strikes pigments in the leaf and excites their electrons. Next during photosynthesis carbon dioxide enters the stomata, a small opening inside the leaf which allows air to move in and out of the leaf. Chloroplasts in the cells of the plant convert solar energy into chemical energy contained in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Meanwhile carbon dioxide and water from oxygen combine to form glucose a type of simple sugar. Fresh oxygen then leaves from the stomata and glucose dissolved by water is then carried throughout the plant transported by veins. The glucose is finally used as energy an...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Master Expository Writing

How to Master Expository Writing Expository writing sounds formal and exacting (it is), but never fear, you already use it every day. Instruction manuals, textbooks, voter guides, research papers, news articles, posters, game directions, recipe books, movie reviews, furniture assembly instructions, city guides, white pages, certain blogs, and the academic essay are all examples of expository writing. Its the documentary film of the writing world.Expository writing informs readers by explaining, describing or exposing truth with a supporting set of facts. The goal is to enlighten your audience by presenting information in a clear and organized way. Think creatively, but expository writing is not creative writing. Support your argument, but expository writing is not persuasive writing.Straightforward expository writing builds your credibility. Its essential for writing winning proposals and grant applications, and informed decision definition essay titles could be Attributes of a Superhero, The Official Meaning of Fam ily, and Define Laziness: A Portrait of My Younger Brother.The Descriptive Essay – Describes an event, person, place, thing or idea with supporting details. This could be writing about a travel destination, an admirable or villainous character, your first cooking experience, or how you imagine the world without borders. Generously use vivid language, adjectives and adverbs, and imagery that involves all the senses to paint a picture for readers.The Explanatory Essay – Explains how something works or how to do something. Use this model to clarify unfamiliar terms or special vocabulary. Form comparisons or analogies if appropriate, connecting new information to knowledge the reader already has, or give a new perspective or insight. Possible explanatory essay titles might include: What Exactly is Bit Coin?, Latin Declensions: A Primer, and Understanding the Allegory of Animal Farm. A subs include how to make a soufflà ©, or how to clear a scuba mask underwater. Use direc tional verbs like rotate, mix, or blow when describing each step. Present a materials list, if applicable. Avoid lengthy phrasing, but be sure to include all information needed to get the job done.Fourth, outline to create an organized structure that flows logically.An outline deconstructs a complex subject into small, understandable components. The conventional outline form helps organize your points in a logical order. Sequence is especially important when explaining steps in a process. You neednt be a slave to the form. Make the outline work for you.Now, structure the essay into paragraphs: the introductory paragraph, the body, and the concluding paragraph. The introductory paragraph must hook the readers and hold their attention. A hook could be a scintillating fact, an astounding statistic, a fitting simile, a stirring quote or a joke. A narrative opening introduces the topic with a riveting anecdote or story. The reader feels she must know what happens next. Rhetorical questio ns as opening hooks might engage some readers, but may be considered inappropriate for academic essays. Place the thesis statement around the middle or end of the introductory paragraph.The body is usually formed by two to five paragraphs. Each paragraph in the body has a topic sentence that directly relates to the thesis. Support each topic sentence with evidence. Use facts, examples or anecdotes that your readers will understand. Put your most important messages in the first paragraphs, and in the first sentences of those paragraphs. Fill in the paragraphs by providing readers with all the necessary information. Check that the transition from one body paragraph to the next seems logical and natural.The concluding paragraph closes the essay by restating the main idea and salient points in a new way. Beyond summarizing, give the audience a final thought or call to action. Avoid digressing into new issues. Explain why your reader should care about your idea. You may end with a quote that sums up the essence of the essay.Check again for a logical connection between the introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion.Finally, transform the outline into proseSelect a point-of-view (i.e. a first-, second-, or third-person narrator). Journalists write effective exposition using all perspectives.Write the paragraphs, smoothly incorporating your supporting evidence, and integrating quotations or paraphrasing.Expository prose is objective. Present the facts, even if you do not like them.Cite your sources according to conventions appropriate to your audience, be it MLA or APA, newspaper-style attribution, or the Web protocol of linking to source information.Accuracy and objectivity build your credibility. Dont call something a fact unless it is verifiable. Refrain from superlatives, such as best or most unless they can be quantified. Provide a date instead of writing recently. State 73% instead of writing many or more.Delete any word that does not add anything crucial to the meaning of a sentence. Discard information that seems interesting, but is not germane to the immediate topic. Less is more.Fact-check, proofread and review. Check spelling and grammar. Ask someone who understands your topic to check for accuracy. Ask someone unfamiliar with your topic to check for clarity. Consider any suggested edits, ultimately relying on your own judgment. Polish the final draft.You, the expository writer, are the most important figure in your essay. The reader will gain understanding of a topic important to you, through the clarity, integrity and knowledge of your author-voice. At the same time, you gain credibility and a reputation for fair, accurate analysis. When trust is paramount, issues are complex, and the stakes of decision-making are high, do employ industry experts and professional writers to help you inform your audience.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Life in Prison Walls Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life in Prison Walls - Term Paper Example In order to understand the harsh life of a prisoner one only has to visit the â€Å"tent city† prison in Arizona, run by the sheriff Joe Arapaio. This is one of the harshest prisons in the United States, where 2000 prisoners are held in a permanent canvas compound with a high fence in 130 degree C temperature. All the prison inmates, be they men, women or children are made to clean the city streets, bound in chain gangs and the inadequate meals they get, costs less than 10p per head. Arapaio’s reasons for making the prisoners work in the city are to put them up as potential deterrents for the population. Ideally the goal of a prison sentence is to make the prisoner pay off his debts to society, which he owes it, due to his unruly behavior, and make him fit to enter society once again. But, like all ideals, this too is far removed from reality. Behind the prison walls, there is a systematic psychological attack on the mind of the punished, whereas they in fact are a â€Å"group†¦in need of help.†(Pager) Lawrence Bobo, goes so far as to say that the prison represents a normalization of a â€Å"remarkable set of social conditions.† Life in the confines of a prison robs a person of his self-worth and leaves him vulnerable to attacks on his already dulled psyche. Erwin James, who served 20 years in a prison in the United Kingdom says that the humiliation suffered during trail is enough to make a person feel guilty for life and the further humiliation suffered in prison is wholly unnecessary. Most people feel that our prison systems are not helping much in stopping the escalating crime wave in our countries because something is radically wrong with the system. To serious criminals, the punishment meted out to them would be quite trivial, whereas for the other criminals it would be a nightmarish experience. Small crimes could get off with a fine, but bigger crimes are

Friday, November 1, 2019


LITERARY HISTORY, INTERPRETATION, & ANALYSIS - Essay Example In Anne Sexton’s Her Kind, the narrator identifies herself as an Other but at the same time celebrates her Otherness in the last stanza. The poem represents Otherness through vivid imagery of women who are associated with the evil forces in fairy tales and myth. For example, the narrator refers to herself as â€Å"a possessed witch† (line 1) and a woman who â€Å"fixed the suppers for the worms and the elves† (line 11). Sexton uses words and phrases like â€Å"black,† â€Å"lonely thing,† and â€Å"disaligned† to represent how the Other is isolated from the mainstream because the narrator of the poem â€Å"is not like a woman† (6) and â€Å"is misunderstood† (13). Sexton displays an undaunted and unashamed attitude towards Otherness in the poem. In the first two stanzas are filled with actions as the narrator describes what she as the Other does. Instead of lamenting the fact that she is an outcast, the narrator presents her acts in a plain but highly descriptive language that engage the reader. Both stanzas have a fairy tale like quality as Sexton mentions â€Å"witch,† â€Å"worms,† and â€Å"elves.† It conjures up a sense of mystery without arousing much sympathy for the Other. The last stanza is written in a different style than the previous two; it is closer to the reality and for once the narrator mentions a person other than herself. In this stanza, the narrator appears to be a â€Å"normal† and cheerful woman who is in touch with other people in the society as she â€Å"waved her nude arms at villages going by† (line 16). However, starting from line 18, the bright imagery turns into a painful bodily experience. Here the narrator is celebrating her courage to live this lifestyle and Sexton uses a very strong phrase â€Å"A woman like that is not ashamed to die† to demonstrate such quality. The Others in this work may be women who defy social expectations, for example, women who do not or are not willing to fulfill